Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trying to be dedicated

When I was a kid I used to have a diary. I would go through phases of writing in my diary every day, and then I wouldn't write in it for months. I would feel so guilty about neglecting my diary. I always had to apologize to my journal and promise I would be better. Why? Isn't it there for my own benefit? So if I don't use it, I don't need it. I shouldn't feel guilty about an inanimate object.

This blog is the same way. The longer I put off putting in an entry, the more guilty I feel about it and the less likely I am to post anything at all. So I'm officially ending the self-imposed guilt trip. I will post when I have something interesting to say, and otherwise I will leave it be.

As far as my one-hour-per-day self improvement plan, it has been going pretty well. I've got the baby sleeping on her own in the mornings, so I'm able to get things done during that time. I don't accomplish something productive every day, but I do most days, which is good enough for me.

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